Making Our Digital World Meaningful

For over a decade, I have been proud to help spearhead a network of innovation and dreaming as the National Park Service’s public communication professionals stepped into the digital world. The #diginterp revolution fundamentally altered how the NPS thinks about interpretation and helped to move an often reluctant institution into a new century.

Digital Media for Interpreters

This course helped interpreters step into a social meaning-making landscape.

Serving hundreds over 5 year run, the class spawned the #diginterp Facebook group - an informal community of practice where users discuss using social media to find meaning.

The Digital Interpretation team being Rangers pointing at things

#Diginterp Indepth

Born from the #diginterp movement, this monthly webinar series - hosted alongside John Tobiason from Harpers Ferry Interpretive Design Center - focused on keeping interpreters innovating. By embracing futurism, we guided a community through change.

Piloting New Thought

As new media appeared on the scene, it meant dreaming up new ways of making it meaningful. This often meant encapsulating new thoughts and encouraging creativity - either through the #diginterp indepth series or beyond, in articles or blog posts highlighting how new media could be leveraged for visitor experience.

The Saga Continues

As the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic began become apparent in 2020, the #diginterp community and evolution showed itself to be more important than ever. Digital spaces are the ideal landscape for audience centered ethics and meaning-making. “ACE in your Digital World” or ACE #Diginterp began marrying the two ideas together in concrete thought pieces interpreters could put into practice from wherever they sat.